Clary Sage


We think our selection is of exceptional quality and will be very calming and relaxing.

Clary Sage Essential Oil has sedative abilities that induce feelings of relaxation, clarity, and calmness while alleviating dizziness, anxiety, and irritability. It is also known to stimulate libido in both men and women.

Clary Sage Essential Oil eliminates or prevents the spread of harmful bacteria, facilitates the healing of wounds, and addresses muscle aches, joint pain, strains, and sprains. It enhances circulation and is reputed to stimulate and regulate the menstrual cycle.

Its nervine and anti-inflammatory properties promote restful sleep and soothe headaches, respectively, and its uplifting qualities enhance the mood to improve self-esteem and mental strength and to stimulate libido in both men and women. Its anti-spasmodic properties help relieve the sometimes-convulsive discomforts associated with improper digestion, stomach aches, muscle cramps, coughs, and cholera. Furthermore, Clary Sage Oil decreases the symptoms of a cough and cold, effectively deodorizes unpleasant body odors, and supports the balance of hormones.